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Shellfish Committee Meeting Minutes - 01/15/08
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Town Hall Meeting Room
21 Sea Street
Northeast Harbor

I.      Call to order 5:00
Chairman Tom Falt called meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.  Also present were committee members Jock Crothers, Steve Hamor Sr., Harvey Heel, Earl Moore, Robert Taylor, and Barry Thomas; Jeff Walls from The Islander; and Town Clerk Joelle Nolan.

II.     Review of Shellfish Conservation Ordinance
Regarding Section 5. D. 1 Licensing of the Shellfish Conservation Ordinance, members agreed to stay with status quo.

Mr. Crothers moved to continue the shellfish recreational licensing fees at $20 for residents and $40 for non-residents; and the number of nonresident recreational licenses issued shall be no more than 10% of the total number of resident recreational licenses issued.  Seconded by Mr. Moore.  A vote was called and the motion carried unanimously.

III.    Membership
After a brief discussion,

Mr. Taylor moved to recommend that the following be appointed to this committee:  Steve Hamor Jr., Mike Kelley, and Ben Hamor.  Seconded by Mr. Moore.  A vote was called and the motion carried unanimously.

IV.     New Business
        A.      On the matter of what flats are open and could be opened, Chairman Falt and Mr. Taylor reminded all that it is the responsibility of the clammer to call the biologist in Lamoine to determine what is open.

Harvey Heel said he thought Gilpatrick Cove was open.  After a lengthy discussion regarding Gilpatrick Cove,

Mr. Heel moved to request the Board of Selectmen to investigate a possible sewer drainage pipe leak located above the walkway on the eastside of Gilpatrick Cove.  Seconded by Mr. Crothers.  A vote was called and the motion carried unanimously.

        B.      Re-seeding
Members requested that Area Biologist Hannah Annis and Specialist John Fendl attend a meeting to discuss re-seeding and contamination.  Town Clerk Nolan will try to set up a meeting at 4:00 p.m., Wednesday, February 6, 2008.

        C.      Town Clerk Nolan reported on funds and job descriptions, as requested from the last meeting.  Receipts for calendar year 2007 were $680 for a balance of $8,114.38.  Shawn Murphy, Harbormaster and Warden, replied to her request for protocol of the Wardens while working their full-time jobs for the Town.  He incorporates patrol of the flats as part of his harbormaster job duties and makes the decision when to patrol.  He sees his duties as enforcing state and local shellfish laws and ordinances, patrolling flats, and submitting state reports.